
Player versus Player landed on Bank Tycoon - 2021w01 development report

12/01/2021 22:35:00 by stoakes in development

Here is a summary of this week developments on Bank Tycoon.

This is the result of several past weeks of development activity, but they are all listed here because they've been deployed this Sunday.

  •     bugfix(alliance): Fix alliance removal
  •     bugfix(security): Fix player country attack when no hacker in defense
  •     bugfix(security): Reduce training hacker defense level
  •     bugfix(security): Fix hacker status update
  •     feature(regions): Reduce resource regeneration for a city
  •     bugfix(security): Move saved composition tab to alpha
  •     bugfix(regions): Fix attack on control point when several hackers are defending
  •     feature(regions): Fixes & improvements around control points
  •     bugfix(security): Misc fixes on security
  •     feature(messagerie): Display actions on conversation on one line for small screens
  •     feature(messagerie): Explicitly notify moderation team on reported conversation
  •     bugfix(security): Improve saved composition management UX
  •     feature(security): Add interactive attack reports
  •     chore(security): Internalize AngularJS dependencies
  •     bugfix(alliance): Fix issue on fortress activation
  •     feature(security): Increase daily training delay to 2 minutes
  •     feature(security): Add basic saved compositions prototype
  •     translation(derivatives): Fix typo in french gaz naturel translation
  •     bugfix(messagerie): Add missing translation & remove hard coded texts
  •     feature(security): Increase Fluor PB from 3 to 6
  •     bugfix(regions): Improve display for pays without bought filiale
  •     feature(security): Add cities raid & control attacks
  •     feature(search): Add cities to search results
  •     feature(admin): Improve control point display
  •     feature(regions): Add control point resource collection & influence display
  •     feature(security): Display defended country in hacker profile
  •     feature(regions): Improve hacker defending a country display
  •     feature(regions): Display country tab when installed in it
  •     feature(alliance): Display activity indication on alliance member list
  •     refactor(controlpoint): Move Cities from their own module to regions
  •     bugfix(home): Improve translation in case of invalid token
  •     feature(home): rate limit connections & improve login link
  •     chore(): Upgrade to Redis 6
  •     feature(home): Add direct link connection
  •     chore(home): Update dependencies
  •     feature(home): Add link to admin in header
  •     chore(): Update dependencies
  •     bugfix(office): Redirect to building list after start of construction
  •     feature(office): Store building list display preferences in browser
  •     bugfix(): Fix date with days display
  •     feature(security): Add attack report removal
  •     feature(security): Add miscellaneous UI improvement around attacks & hacker training
  •     chore(): Add database migrations mechanism
  •     feature(security): Display number of BP on training target card
  •     bugfix(regions): Prevent display from unavailable countries
  •     feature(): Add full support for sidebar toggle
  •     feature(security): Remove player to player direct attack
  •     feature(regions): Add set hackers to country defense
  •     bugfix(alliance): Add status check before sending hacker to fortress
  •     feature(security): Double the number of hacker allowed by user level


Let's go through the major changes (each of them would be a good blog article, but I terribly lack of time for so much writing):

    feature(security): Add interactive attack reports

Interactive reports are now displayed below static ones. By clicking buttons you can see the details of the fight, how your bots and opponent ones behaved at each round.

    feature(security): Add basic saved compositions prototype

You can now save your favourite bot composition (squadrons or fleet) on server side and re-use them for faster defense set up. Coming soon, sharing your composition with friend.

    feature(security): Increase Fluor PB from 3 to 6

As announced on public chat in December, a bit of balancing on Fluro bot which was over powered for only 3 Bot Points (BP) cost. Cost has been increased to 6 to better represent its abilities.

    feature(security): Add cities raid & control attacks

This is PvP: player now competes for cities. They can raid them to loot resources or try to take control of them to regularly collect ressources. However, be careful, collecting resources or looting a city costs influence, so your grip on city could be over turned by an opponent if it goes too low.

    feature(alliance): Display activity indication on alliance member list

Some quality of life feature for alliance chief: see your member last activity date in the member list

    feature(home): Add direct link connection

Forgot your password ? No problem, just ask for a direct login link to be sent to your inbox and login by clicking it. For the security maniac such as me, this option can be disabled in your settings.

    feature(security): Remove player to player direct attack

As a consequence of PvP being released to Bank Tycoon, the temporary work around of direct user attack is now removed.

    feature(security): Double the number of hacker allowed by user level

More fight also means that you might a higher strike force. Let's double the number of allowed hackers in your team. This is not free though, their resting time is now also twice higher.

That's it, feel free to ask questions in comments if you have any.

See you soon


PS: By the way, these development report are in English because I code in english and maintain change history in English as well. It's then much easier to write these articles in English and save me some trnaslation time.
