
Rapport de développement pour Juin 2024

12/07/2024 08:29:00 by stoakes in development

Bonjour à tous,

Voici un résumé des développements pour Bank Tycoon en Juin 2024.

Nouvelles fonctionnalités


  • Refonte de l’expérience utilisateur en début de jeu. Plus d’infos dans l’article de blog associé.

  • Le moteur de recherche interne cherche maintenant aussi d...

Rapport de développement pour Mai 2024

25/05/2024 12:26:00 by stoakes in development

Bonjour à tous,

Voici un article qui récapitule les changements apportés à Bank Tycoon en Mai 2024.

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

- Ajout d'une mission pour montrer au joueur comment entrainer ses hackers.
- Mise à jour de l'interface graphique de la messagerie
- Reprise de l'interface graphique de la page d'analyse financière. Avec notamment l'ajout de graphs avec l'historique des valeurs des différents secteurs sur...

Rapport de développement Q4 2023

07/01/2024 13:03:00 by stoakes in development

Bonjour à tous, meilleurs voeux pour cette nouvelle année !


Voici la liste des changements des 3 derniers mois sur Bank Tycoon :


Nouvelles fonctionnalités


  • Affichage de la possession des pays dans la vue "Stratégie & rapports" d'une alliance
  • Affichage sur le profil d'un joueur des pays où il est installé
  • Prise en compte de l'activité dans le contrôle des pays. Les agences des joueurs n...

June 2023 development report

29/06/2023 07:22:00 by stoakes in development

Hello there,

It's been a while ! No development report since February 2021 ...

Since then, I mostly revamped the User Interface to make it smoother (no more refresh between page load, à la 2010) and more dynamic : with numerous push from the server to the user. That was in August 2021. After that, I moved to other topics and have only kept the lights on for Bank Tycoon : Update to newer version of Caddy, Symfony & PHP mostly. Nothing much interesting for our...

February 2021 development report

25/02/2021 21:16:00 by stoakes in development

I've been quite bad on development reports recently. Not a single one in 6 weeks, despite numerous changes.

Here's a bulk of all changes added to the game during that time. Use comments to  share modifications you had not noticed and the one you like most.


  •     feature(admin): Add job to clean database
  •     feature(wiki): Add ability to create children page for wiki

2021w02 development report

19/01/2021 22:19:00 by stoakes in development

Here is a summary of this week developments on Bank Tycoon.

This week developments mostly focused on bugfix following the big release of last week introcducing PvP and a few quality of life improvement.

  •     feature(messagerie): Add ability to remove access from conversation
  •     bugfix(regions): Fix city defense reduction after attack
  •     feature(regions): Add color change fo...

Player versus Player landed on Bank Tycoon - 2021w01 development report

12/01/2021 22:35:00 by stoakes in development

Here is a summary of this week developments on Bank Tycoon.

This is the result of several past weeks of development activity, but they are all listed here because they've been deployed this Sunday.

  •     bugfix(alliance): Fix alliance removal
  •     bugfix(security): Fix player country attack when no hacker in defense
  •     bugfix(security): Reduce training hacker defense level

2020w51 development report

15/12/2020 21:37:00 by stoakes in development

Here is a summary of this week developments on Bank Tycoon.

For some personal reasons, the Player versus Player (PvP) will not be released in 2020, development is undergoing some delay and is not ready yet. These blog post summarizing only what is deployed on Bank Tycoon, these past weeks have been quite calm. This week sees some of the last deployments of 2020, adressing 2 issues.

  •     bugfix(): Force https in targetPath after redirect
  • &nb...

2020w46 development report

17/11/2020 20:09:00 by stoakes in development

Here is a summary of this week developments on Bank Tycoon.

After some struggles on versions and low level tasks, I'm are back on a faster development rythm, helped with increased development time "thanks to" French lockdown and colder weather. This week developments adds 2 new features to reward users who connects every day: roulette, a daily game to earn different prizes such as bots, ingots, derivatives, information and hacker training, a daily opportunity to train...

2020w44 development report

03/11/2020 20:00:00 by stoakes in development

Here is a summary of this week developments on Bank Tycoon.

This week has seen less progress than expected because of outside reasons and this Sunday incident, forcing me to cancel a number of modifications and slow down development to improve tests.

  •     bugfix(home): Improve registration failure handling
  •     bugfix(home): Fix invalid URL on generic error page
  •     translation(office): Fix typo in &q...