
2020w36 development report

08/09/2020 20:16:00 by stoakes in development

Here is a summary of this week developments on Bank Tycoon.

I am back to development after a long pause during the summer, so changes are for now very limited, but the upcoming come back
of cities starts now.


  •     feature(): Change default locale to FR
  •     feature(community): Add ranking by cities population
  •     bugfix(home): Login page redirects to servers when already connec...

2020w28 development report

14/07/2020 21:00:00 by stoakes in development

Here is a summary of this week developments on Bank Tycoon.

Major improvement is the addition of rankings on game server and more to come in the future.
There's also been a bit of work around blog, to improve its usability and fix several bugs.


  •  feature(home): Improve blog post article
  •  feature(home): Add language & filtering to blog posts
  •  chore(home): Remove unused entities
  •  bugf...

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